March 2025
Shoebox Appeal
The whole school gathered around all the shoeboxes kindly put together by families to send to the children who are less fortunate than us and put a smile on their faces this Christmas. Thank you to all.
Hallowe'en Dress Up Day - 28th October 2022
The children and staff all dressed up for Halloween. We walked around the campus, showing off our amazing costumes.
Good bye to Ms. Clifford - 27th October 2022
Ms. Christabel Clifford has left St. David’s National School. We wish her the very best in her future career. We held a special assembly for Ms. Clifford on Thursday 27th October to say goodbye. The children presented Ms. Clifford with a lovely necklace and flowers to thank her for all her support over the past 9 years in St. David’s NS.
Circus - 18th October 2022
The circus came to St. David's N.S.. The pupils loved the show with some pupils taken part too. Our own Ms. O'Brien joined the circus for the day as Bobo the clown who learnt new skills in juggling and balancing.
Maths Week 15th to 23rd October 2022
In St. David's NS, we celebrated Maths Week from 15th - 23rd October. Throughout the week, the classes completed fun activities in their classrooms such as problem-solving games. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class also made great cityscape art pieces, incorporating maths into their art lessons. All of the classes participated in maths trails around the school grounds. This brought the learning of maths to the outdoors. 3rd and 4th class made a fun maths Kahoot quiz for junior and senior infants and 5th and 6th class made a brilliant maths Kahoot quiz for 1st and 2nd class.
5th and 6th Class, along with Ms Gillespie, worked very hard to organise a Maths Day for the whole school on Friday 23rd October. We had stations in the hall for all the children to complete. These included a shape hunt, zap it, maths hats and colour by number. We also had a competition to guess how many objects were in the container. At the end of the day, and to end Maths Week, the whole school gathered in the hall to show off our maths hats. Thank you to all who worked so hard and who took part and a big well done to everybody. We had lots of fun during Maths Week!
Music Generation
Julia G, pupil in 6th class, playing a piece, called "River flows in you" with Brian from Music Generation. Brian and Alan from Music Generation performed in the school on 6th October 2022 in support of Feile Liam O'Flynn.